that must have taken ages i love the game i love the song
that must have taken ages i love the game i love the song
quite good
nice job once again thanks for reviewing my song
not bad but..
ive heard that tune b4 sum were
good work my fav of yours at the mo i have 1 Q are you making a full version of generation suicide or not if not could i finish it no offence taken if the answer is no cheers mate ill credit it too you once ive finished it btw
erm .......WOW!
that is unbelieveable its like a punch in the face keep it coming by the way the only thing wrong with it is (i dont know if eveybody has heard it) its like a piano bit through the entire song apart from when the melody smacks you round the chops but then it starts going again i would just like that abit loader but apart from that the only other problem is NOT EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD HAS IT WHICH MEANS THEY ARE LOSING OUT 5/5 i voted 5 and well im reviewing now soo keep up the good work i actually put alot of your stuff on cd so i dont lose it its that good!!!!!!!
not bad atall for a first time im still tryna get all mine back lost em all when comp died
not bad
its like robotic lol i like it sounds kinda futureistic see if you can make some trance i reckon thatd be worth listening to aswell
downvoterssuck.quote-GeeOhDeelets hope you die from bowelcanceryeah?yeah.yeahguesswhatyoudownvotering nerdsthatsitonyourpc24/7ibetatestd yourgfholdonwhatgfasGeeOhDee said you are all repetitiouslytediouspseudo intellectualsycophantictroglodytes welsaid
you suck
Joined on 11/19/06